Nylon Strings, hollow body, and an electric face!

Here's is perhaps a familiar shape instrument, but with a twist.
This a full hollow, nylon stringed instrument that has been on the build list for quite a while.
We were not sure how it would turn out, but the results were exceptional.
With its small air volume, it is meant to be played amplified, and no feedback, although its unplugged sound is pretty good anyway, just not as strong on the low end.
The pickup is a Barbera Piezo pickup, and amplifies transparently if you want it to, or send it thru your pedal board to add effects. We have been using an acoustic pre-amp with and without a pedal board. The volume is well balanced across the strings.
It's natural home is for finger picked songs, perhaps Beatles or Taylor, although we have run it at very high volume and played some Rock with no feed back.

As you can see, it is a Maple neck bolted to a full hollow body using old Koa top and back.
It is very light and comfortable to play, and super easy on the eyes!
We use ball bearing tuners, and these are Gotoh
The frets are Evo Gold on a McCasser Ebony fret board, 18 inch radius,25.4 scale and 1.88 at the nut..ideal for finger picking.

This one goes to a patient customer after we let it settle and do some final tuning on it.